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2018 Shihan Joseph Seminar Group Picture
Promotion to Black Belt for Lex at the 2018 Shihan Joseph Seminar
2018 Updated Weopons Wall with cabinet storage
Archery, knife and axe throwing targets for weapons training.
Sword cutting setup and Wave Masters for kicking and punching practice.
Additional weapons display made by Sensei Robert.
Our dojo offers training for all levels of students in martial arts and self defense.
Our students are trained to fall or roll without causing self injury.
Our Aikido instructors and students at a previous facility. Dojo family stays family forever.
Ranking board for Bujinkan and some kanji artwork made by Sensei Robert can be found proudly displayed on our dojo wall.
More examples of Sensei Robert's American Made Training Weapons. His creative weapons are for sell and some are available for use during his weapons training classes.
Mountain Tiger
Our Motto is T.R.U.T.H.